Manresa hub is one of the two Catalans C4S hubs (the other one is in Vic). The responsible organization for it is UManresa-FUB.

Seven living labs

UManresa-FUB manages seven living labs: Valldaura, Oms i de Prat, La Muntanya del Drac, Escola Bages, VAll de Nèspola, Espai infantile Nana i Associació de Dones al Noor.

Five of them are schools, with children from 3 to 8 years old. One of them is a private enterprise for families to bring their children (in collaboration with the municipality for low-income families) and another is an association of Maghreb women working for the inclusion of children from a migrant background in difficult socio-economic conditions. They have different environments:

  • School Valldaura: the context around Manresa’s river (plants, animals, water,..)
  • School Oms i de Prat: The allotment for planting vegetables as a Lab
  • School La Muntanya del Drac: the forest near the school
  • School la Vall de Nèspola: The natural environment near the school
  • School Bages: the urban environment (they show special interest in a Manresa’s Parc)
  • Espai familiar Nana: Living Lab inside the building: Sensorial & exploratory proposals for children from 0-5 years old.
  • Dones al Noor: space within their building infrastructure

Currently, the educators from these living labs are under a training course dedicated to provide them tools for the creation of living Labs. The aim is to interconnect these living labs and to find possibilities in which they can share the discoveries and initiatives of children.

Other Manresa hub activities

  • National Conference on Inclusive Science Education organised for educators in Catalonia (2nd edition in 2022)
  • Video interviews to scientists or persons from the target communities available on the youtube channel
  • Training sessions for teachers on Inclusive Science Education & community engagement (2nd edition)
  • Design of practical materials for educators (list of recommended books on science education & inclusion
  • Online self-evaluation tool for educators on inclusive science education
  • List of women scientists with important deeds and practical materials for educators
  • Currently developing STEAM proposals (art & science: i.e. archaeology & engineering) for a local art museum in Manresa (to be implemented in 2022)
  • Writing periodical sections in an online magazine on science & inclusion with the collaboration of a target group member.


Photo gallery