Workshop – Critical image analysis of inclusive science education in media

8th November 2022

From 9h to 13.30h


Discover the journey of the EU project C4S under the topic Critical image analysis of inclusive science education in the media Workshop, on the 8th of November. This journey will be held in English and in online format, and will be attended by renowned experts in the field with the purpose of detecting, analyzing and understanding the use of images in science, and to obtain some guidelines on how to use them from an inclusive standpoint avoiding stereotypes, barriers, etc.



9.00. Welcome & Introduction of the Workshop by Lluïsa Sort Garcia and Dr. Gabriel Lemkow, C4S Project coordination and management, and Annabel Saavedra Alguacil, WP5 leader of the project.

9.10. Main conference “Decolonizing our collective Imaginarium” by Dr. Isidora Saez Rosenkranz (Serra i Hunter Programme Lecturer in History, Geography and Social Sciences, University of Barcelona, MA in Latin American Studies, Expert in Applied Didactics, PhD in Social Sciences and Heritage Teaching. Member of the Ciutadanies working group of the Catalan Institute of Antroplogy).

10.00. Round Table


  • Laura van der Reijden. Project Coordinator in Hannah Arendt Institute ( Laura Sofie van der Reijden co-founder of the research and action collective REphrase. Expert in Media and Society, Working in the Hannah Arendt Institute (Mechelen, Belgium) focusing on practical solutions to negative ‘image forming’ and stereotyping. Researcher in PVE and education among Syrian refugee children in Lebanon, together with Marije Luitjens.
  • Diana Reinoso. Project Manager in Science for Change. Sociologist, Senior Agricultural Technician and MA in Environmental Intervention and Management (University of Barcelona). Experience in the design, management and execution of research and consultancy projects in the field of sustainability, more specifically in waste prevention. She is specialized in the use of social research methodologies and citizen participation in environmental issues. Coordinator of the Catalan cluster in the TRANSFORM project. ( (
  • Sheddad Kaid Salah. Physicist and Pharmacist. Science promoter, author of children’s books about science such as “Quantum Mechanics” “Electromagnetism” or “Microbes” and others. His Science books for children have been translated into several languages around the world. (
  • Andrea Cerroni. Sociologist of knowledge at University of Milan-Bicocca (Milan, Italy), where he teaches Technoscience, communication and innovation. Physicist by education, with experiences as R&D controller in high-tech industries, he actually heads a Master in Communication of Science & Sustainable Innovation (MaCSIS). He published several books and over 100 papers in Sociology of knowledge; Sociological Imagination; Science and technology communication; Risk communication; Knowledge-society (

11.00. Coffee break

11.20. Hackathon presentation, by Dr. Miryam Navarro Rupérez, C4S Project Researcher.

11.40. Hackathon Activity “Pictures selection and reflexions” by Laia Gómez-Franco Estrella. Educator and facilitator of participatory communication processes with a documentary image. Responsible for educational projects of RUIDO Photo. Director of MiRu (Mirada Rumiant Asociation). PhD Student in Education and Society of the University of Barcelona. Laia Gómez (@laiagomez_ruidophoto) • Pictures and vídeos on Instagram:

13.30. Closing of the workshop, by Lluïsa Sort Garcia and Dr. Gabriel Lemkow, C4S Project coordination and management.


Participation is free but you have to register previously. The link to the online workshop will be sent only to the registered people.