C4S partners meet to prepare the project’s launch
The eleven partners involved in the Communities for Sciences (C4S) project celebrated a warm-up meeting on 29th June 2020 to prepare the project’s launching that is foreseen for the 1st October 2020. Each institution presented the work package that is responsible for: the aims, the planned tasks and the criteria to develop it. The meeting took place online and it allowed all the people involved in the project to get to know one to each other.
C4S is a Horizon 2020 European project that stands for inclusive Science education. Its consortium is integrated by Fundació Universitària del Bages (Manresa campus of UVic-UCC) and Vic campus of UVic-UCC (both from Catalonia-Spain), IB University of Applied Health and Social Science (Germany), Galileo Progetti (Hungary), Universita’Degli Studi Di Milano-Biccocca (Italy), Board of Education for Vienna, European Office (Austria), Municipality of Sesto San Giovanni – Socio Educational Sector – GiocheriaLaboratori (Italy), Erasmus Brussel University of Applied Sciences and Arts (Belgium), Wirtschaftsuniversitat Wien (Austria), Lunds Universitet (Sweden) and New Bulgarian University (Bulgaria).